Astrology: The 11th House and True Humanism

In this article, we will explore the topic of astrological houses, specifically focusing on the eleventh house. Let's recall what houses are in a natal chart: they are fields of experience, the stages of life, embodying twelve archetypes of human experience.
Some astrologers have often associated all creative processes with the fifth house. However, in this house, the individual creates on a personal level, alone, or as the head of a household. It is creativity in a more specific field.
On the other hand, in the eleventh house, "wholeness" creates through the individual. It is not from him but through him that the process takes place. This implies that it transcends and can reach humanity as a whole, as a community. It is an action without personal interest; that is the key to a truly creative and free action.
Experiences in the eleventh house involve externalizing the ideals of a person in relation to those who share these ideals, which is why it is known as the house of “friends”.
The symbolism of this house is related to the sign of Aquarius, humanistic and idealistic, and the planet Uranus, described as a illuminating ray that breaks old structures to act at the forefront, with a transcendent purpose.
Houses follow each other as part of a learning process, they are not isolated. This house is followed by the twelfth, the last house before a new beginning in an experience, as in the first house. What is full must be emptied before starting another stage of growth.
But the deepest process is always, symbolically speaking, to transform a repetitive circle into a spiral, where there is the possibility to leave the known and move towards the transcendent, our true destiny.
Today we are facing a unique opportunity, in a very special historical moment to achieve these changes: “The Age of Aquarius”. The world is transforming, and with it, our way of living, loving, connecting with each other, and with the entire cosmos.
Marilyn Ferguson describes it in her popular book: “The Aquarians Conspiracy is a different kind of revolution, with different revolutionaries. It looks to the turnabout in consciousness of a critical number of individuals, enough to bring about a renewal of society. We cannot wait for the world to turn, for times to change so that we might change with them, for the revolution to come and carry us around in its new course. We ourselves are the future. We are the revolution."
Source: Book “The Astrological Houses” by Dane Rudhyar.