Aztlan Astrological Center

Directed by León Azulay


Destiny or Free Will

Illustration representing the interplay between destiny and free will

Throughout history, Philosophy has delved into the profound theme of the destiny of man and his freedom. According to Euripides (Greek poet): "Destiny rules over the gods and over us too."

However, in our current era, especially for the past two centuries with the rise of materialism, the word "Destiny" has become controversial and even offensive to many people. Nowadays, mentioning Destiny seems to imply a loss of control, a sense of helplessness, or powerlessness. In fact, there is too much emphasis on the idea that we are free to choose to the extreme. But... on the other hand, when one seeks to "have their future read," isn't it assuming that everything is already written and predetermined?

However, why do we tend so easily to extremes? We miss seeing the nuances of the relationship between Destiny and Free Will. Jeff Mayo, an English astrologer, states:

"You may think that if the future can be predicted, there is no free will, and we are immersed in an irrevocable destiny from which we cannot escape. The astrologer cannot predict every event... An astrological aspect of the future may have to do with a variety of possibilities, most of which depend on the 'freedom of choice' of the individual in question. Although the aspect does predict the current trend of circumstances or the nature of the individual's reaction to the situation."

So, from an astrological point of view, we speak of an interactive and interpenetrating relationship between Destiny and Free Will. Let's delve deeper into the idea of Free Will; it is not as absolute as materialism claims. In fact, there are specific circumstances in life that determine me, and I do not choose them, such as the place and moment of my birth, among many other things. That is to say, there is something given that determines me. But if everything is destined, what value does what I do or could do have? Psychological or Humanistic Astrology considers that the destiny of individuals is not irrevocable. In fact, Astrology can serve to warn of situations before they manifest. So, with Awareness and Knowledge, I can intervene in my Destiny. Einstein said about this:

"Everything is determined, both the beginning and the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for insects as well as for stars. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, all dance to the tune of a mysterious melody played in the distance by an invisible performer."

On the other hand, Quantum Physics maintains that there are not as many certainties as there are probabilities. Under this scheme, humans have the latent potential to choose because reality is constantly being created. We have the possibility of using our capacity to be Co-Creators of our reality. To achieve this freedom, it is necessary to expand knowledge and consciousness to use our Creative Potential; otherwise, we will be determined by prejudices, social or family conditioning, and our habits.

In Eastern traditions, for example, they do not speak of destiny but of Karma. Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action. Originally used in the context of the Vedanta philosophy of India. The idea is very simple: you will reap what you sow. The Law of Karma is the law of retribution that says for every action, there will be a corresponding reaction or effect. Each individual has a certain Karma, a personal destiny, which is not arbitrary. Each person brings with them learning, personal baggage... but this can also be modified, perfected through experience and self-knowledge.

In conclusion, both Quantum Physics and Buddhism consider that those who have more knowledge have more freedom of action than those who do not. Let's take a simple example: a mountain guide is freer being there than a disoriented tourist. The former will know where to move and which places will be dangerous, will know where to find shelter and food, how to get in and out of the place, etc. The Guide is obviously much freer than the tourist who is unaware of all this. Analogously, the same happens in all fields of life.

The natal chart is a map of personal Karma or Destiny. Through astrological study, I will know my aptitudes and the main obstacles to overcome in my life. By gaining greater self-knowledge and understanding the energies that will affect me during my life, I will have the opportunity to be freer by taking advantage of latent possibilities. For example, by knowing the position of my natal moon, I will see under what subconscious predispositions I tend to react, what my emotional habits or regressive mechanisms are... and then, most importantly, I will have the opportunity to modify them through personal work.


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