Aztlan Astrological Center

Directed by León Azulay


Retrograde Planets

Illustration representing retrograde planets

If an individual has four or more retrograde planets in their natal chart, especially the personal ones from Mercury to Saturn, excluding the Higher Octave ones (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto), they will start their life internalizing many of their impulses. They will be more attentive to their subjective world.

John McCormick in his astrology book, "The Book of Retrogrades," refers to four retrograde planets as a quartet and states that this natal condition reflects "a tendency on the part of the native to withdraw and seek expression privately." The more retrograde planets there are in the natal chart, the more distinct life will appear. Retrograde planets in astrology can indicate unique and completely personal qualities as they are motivated by internal resources. Several planets in this phase may indicate great originality in approaching life, as the individual is less shaped by external social structures.

When there are many retrograde planets in the natal chart, we encounter the late personality type that exhibits unexpected talents and abilities in their mature years (the same applies to any retrograde planet in astrology). However, if many of these planets are involved in challenging configurations, especially squares, the individual will avoid participating directly in world affairs and shy away from challenges that require an active response, preferring to withdraw. Retrograde planets in astrology are also associated with some aspects of karmic astrology, one of the topics we delve into in-depth in astrology courses, as well as in the astrology career.


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